Sunday, December 3, 2006


In early September something awful happened – Ailsa got sick and ended up in hospital. They let her come home but she was in a lot of pain and not interested in eating and did not go to work. I was very concerned that she was not eating and tried to tempt her appetite with some of my favourite dog biscuits – I even gave her one of my favourite Pedigree Milky Biscuits that they do not sell any more but she was not tempted. After another day she was clearly getting weaker and did not want to get out of bed so I dug up a very mature bone and put it on her pillow so she could chew on it without moving if she wanted to. She got out of bed very fast then but insisted that it was better for me to eat it – so I did. At least it did the job of getting her out of bed.

As soon as she was a bit better Ailsa went back to work and started working long hours on a big job but fortunately she arranged for a new friend, Anja, to come and play with me every day. It was good – she is a good ball thrower.

Ailsa also took a week off and went to New Zealand to see my Grandma and Aunt Kathryn and my cousins and my Uncle Graeme who came to visit all the way from Canada. I wish I could have gone. Peter came to stay with me while she was away and that was good because we had lots of walks and games. When Ailsa came back I gave her the cold shoulder for a week to teach her a lesson although she did bring me a really interesting ball as a present. Anyway, after she went and bought me two new ball throwers (one got broken and she thought we should have a spare) and a couple of new balls, and some dried liver, and some special dog biscuits, I decided to let her have a cuddle again. Hopefully she will take the hint and make sure we go to the dog club a lot to play ball once she has finished these interviews.

One weekend soon afterwards a new friend, Nat, came up from Melbourne and she took some very nice professional photographs of me – I think I look pretty good. She did a mixture of some portraits and some action shots of me chasing the ball. I was really pleased with the result. I think I look pretty glamorous.

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