Saturday, January 13, 2007

I did not manage to stay awake and talk to Father Christmas but he came and left me some new balls, and a ball thrower, and a big bag of Schmackos, and some special biscuits, and a whole kilo of dried liver. This picture is of me bringing back one of my new balls.

But guess what, Jesse did - she sent me a message which said "I talked to Santa last night, I waited and waited and waited, it got very late and I kept looking out the window and finally, there he was, Santa and his big dogs with things on their heads. I didn't have to open the door or anything he just came in, he drank the beer and ate the cheese and biccies that Mum had put out for him, don't tell her but I had some too, Santa always shares what he is given. He gave the dog thingies the carrots, though he did say he would rather they were given corn, carrots give the one with the red nose awful wind, and as he is the leader it can get a bit not nice when they are flying around. After he had finished eating I told him about that awful big mouth from the city that said he wasn't real, don't think he was very pleased, I told him where he was staying with his Grandma and Santa said he would go visit him, He was just going to say hello and tell him he was real but he wasn't leaving any presents for him. Can't wait to see him in the park today and hear what he has to say." That will be a shock for him

I had a really good day from lots of playing and cuddles and was happy to go to bed and go to sleep last night. It was cold here last night and it was nice curling up in my sheepskins with a full tummy from steak for dinner followed by some cheese - Jarlsberg which is my favourite, and some doggy choc drops. I slept like a log and this morning we have spent the whole morning playing ball. Ailsa is gradually worming her way back into my favour and if she keeps this up she will be OK. I don't want to see any backsliding in going off to work though. I gave her lots of cuddles since it was Christmas and to encourage her good new behaviour. Any young dogs reading this remember that if you want your humans to behave in certain ways you have to encourage them with praise and little rewards.

I am having a really good day today - lots of visitors - firstly my friend Erica came in the morning and we played, then this afternoon Lesley arrived from the North Coast to spend Christmas with us - I just love having visitors and we have already been for a walk together, just the two of us. Then we had another visitor tonight just after dinner.
We also went for a short walk to see some lights on a house around the corner. The lights were amazing - they had Father Christmas up on the roof about to climb down the chimney - we don't have a chimney - if that is how he gets in the house then how will he get into ours? All the garden was lit up and there were dancing penguins and a train and all sorts of things. I think we might go and have another look tonight.
I am afraid it may go downhill tomorrow - as you know Ailsa is obsessed with baths which is an unhealthy obsession in a drought. She says that Father Christmas will not visit me and leave presents unless I am a clean dog so the dreaded bath man is arriving tomorrow.

OK he has been and I am now beautifully clean and smell of poncey flowers and things instead of good honest sheep - at least he brought me a nice bag of home made biscuits. Father Christmas had better come and make it worth my while since I have gone to all this effort.

We went shopping for bones and a few other essentials but could not find a parking spot. After we gave up on the bones we went to the dog club and had the whole place to ourselves for nearly 2 hours. I fetched the ball a lot for Ailsa - she just loves throwing it - and then we came home and had breakfast in the garden. It is getting a bit warm now - it is about 32 - so I think it is time for a snooze.
After my snooze I thought I would check my ebay thread and got this disturbing post from Jesse "When I went for my walk this morning, I met my mates in the park and we went down to the swamp. There was this new dog down there, he is visiting his grandma for the holidays. Talk about a big mouth, we didn't like him at all. Just cos he is from the big City he thinks he knows everything and he called us Little City Hicks - well I tell you I saw red and I think the others did too. He'll get his and I bet Santa doesn't call at his house and leave him presents. You know what he said, well he said there IS NO SANTA, what a load of codswallop, of course there is, who else is the big man in the red suit that we see in the shops, well we know they are only the helpers but thats O.K., Santa can't be everywhere at once. I told him what I thought and said that I for one did not believe him, the others didn't either, what a big mouth, hope he doesn't get any Santa presents. I know what I am going to do, I am going to wait up on the night Santa comes and tell him what that smart alec dog said, and tell him where he is staying, and ask him not to leave any presents, that ought to fix that big mouth." I knew that was not true because I had met him - you have seen my photo with him - and Ailsa has been to the village where he lives in Finland. That dog will get his comeuppance on Christmas Day when there are no presents under the tree for him. I know there are for me because I have seen them but Ailsa says I can look and smell but not touch until Monday. The other dogs on the thread agreed with us - as Gabs said "That towny dog knows nothing cause Santy always leaves stuff for us animals here and the carrots and lettuce leaves mum leaves out for the reindeers always goes so who else would eat them if not him?" Jesse says "He just wants to big note himself, he better look out, no pressies for him. I'm gonna wait up for Santa, reckon I can keep track of him on this machine and wait for him in the lounge, I am leaving out things for the reindeer, don't know what yet, will have to raid the big thing where everything is cold, might be a drink in there for Santa as well." I will try and stay awake to report him as well but I am not sure I will make it.
All Christmas Eve I wandered around in my antlers hoping that Father Christmas would see me and say "Perry with your antlers bright, won't you lead my sleigh tonight?" I am sure I could do it, with all the sheep work and the ball fetching I am a pretty fit and strong dog. Unfortunately he did not but I am attaching a couple of photos of me with my antlers - including one where I am practising my sleigh pulling walk.
Ailsa's friend in Canada sent her a nice Christmas poem:
The Night Before Dog-mas
"Twas the night before Dog-mas when all through the pound
Not a puppy was yelping or playing around;
Our leashes were hung, by our kennels with care,
In hopes that St. Bernard would soon find us there;
Chihuahuas were curled up, all snug in their beds,
While visions of doggie treats danced in their heads;
Max in his collar, on somebody's lap,
Had tucked in his tail for a midwinter's nap,
When outside the room there arose such a clatter,
My ears perked right up to hear what was the matter.
Away to the window I jumped up with glee,
And barked at the shadows that were cast by a tree.
The glow from the moon changed night into day,
And started me thinking, "woof woof time to play!"
When, what with my puppy-dog eyes did I see,
But a splendid dog sled, led by doggies like me.
With a regal furred driver commanding, not stern.
I yelped to the others, "That must be St. Bern!"
More rapid than greyhounds our saviors they came,
And we barked and we howled, and called them by name:
"There's Duchess! There's King! Fat Chance, and bare Buffy!
On Fido! On Scooter! On Rover and Scruffy!
Go by the red fire hydrant and run pass those trees!
Nothing can stop you, not even some fleas!"
As puppies at play chase after a stick,
and race to their masters So lively and quick,
so out in the field his canines all flew,
Catching the frisbees, that St. Bernard threw.
And then in an instant I heard at the door
the Scratching and clawing of each little paw.
As I pulled in my nose, and was turning around,
Through he door St. Bernard came in with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his tail
His wood cask adorned with an icing of hail;
A bag of chew toys he had brought in with him,
And his mouth was turned up what looked like grin.
His eyes how they twinkled!
His ears flopped, how merry!
His coat shone like crystal,
his nose like a cherry!
His big floppy mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the fur on his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a bone was held tight in his teeth,
And his collar encircled his neck like a wreath.
He had a large face and a furry, round belly
That shook when he barked, like a bowl full of jelly.
He was fluffy and plump, a big cuddly, old pooch
and I laughed when I saw him and gave him a smooch.
A wink of his eye and a wag of his tail; we knew right away
We'd have homes without fail.
He howled not a howl, But went straight to his deed,
and took down our leashes That soon we would need.
He opened the door, And families stood there,
with children, all smiling, And much love to spare.
He leapt to his sled, to his team gave a call
and away they all flew as if chasing a ball.
But I heard him exclaim as he chewed on a bone;
"Happy Dog-mas to all and to all a good home!"
Ailsa says tomorrow morning we are going to the dog club to play first thing when we get up so I am looking forward to that. Then we are coming back and opening presents and having nice things for breakfast and then at lunchtime my friends Roderick and Peter and Karen are coming for lunch so there will be lots of cuddles and playing and good things to eat - I have already had some cheese and some dog chocolate treats - I like Christmas.

I have had a busy month with getting ready for Christmas, having people to stay, having people here for Christmas lunch, and whatever, so I have let my blog slide. Time to get it up to date again - I have posted these just as I took notes at the time.

You will never guess who I saw- Father Christmas - Ailsa took me to meet him down at the vet's clinic and I had my photo taken with him. She said I could tell him what I wanted for Christmas and if I was a good dog between now and then and did not put my ball in the pond I might get a nice surprise on Christmas Day.Anyway, I asked him for lots of rain so the sheep get better and we can go to sheepdog school more often, some more balls, some dried liver, and some choc drops, and that there be no Koolies dumped in the local pounds next year and that all the dogs there now find nice new homes like I did. I am keeping my paws crossed.

Yippee - Ailsa has a day off - for the last two days she has been going off in a police car to work. When I saw the car come yesterday morning I pushed past her to get out of the door - she was not expecting it - rushed out and rounded up the car - checked out the policeman inside to see if he was friendly - he did not come out for a good licking so I raced around the car again showing off a few good sheepdog moves then I leapt over the car, did a quick U turn and jumped on his bonnet and wagged my tail at him to show him I was friendly - Ailsa caught up with me at that point, dragged me off and took me back to the house. She said it was a very bad and very silly thing to do because policemen have guns and they can also lock bad people and bad dogs up in the watch house. I don't think I was in any danger though because he was laughing. I was watching out for him this morning but he did not come, instead we went to the dog club and played catch for over an hour, then we went shopping and now we have come home again. I thought she might like to play again in the garden before it gets too hot but she says she has work to do.

That policeman came again today but she made sure I did not get out to say hello to him - she is just no fun and does not now how to properly welcome guests.

We have just come back from a little drive in the car because Ailsa had forgotten to take her dinner out of the freezer so we drove down to the fish and chip caravan for fish and chips. I love fish and chips but she said I had already had a bowl of roast chicken so I did not need fish and chips as well - she was so wrong. Anyway I looked really sad and the nice lady in the caravan cooked an extra bit of fish and some chips for me and put it in a separate box and told her to make sure I got it. Now that is what I call service and I will recommend them to every dog I meet. If any of you come to Canberra let me know and I will tell you where they are.