Saturday, January 13, 2007

I have had a busy month with getting ready for Christmas, having people to stay, having people here for Christmas lunch, and whatever, so I have let my blog slide. Time to get it up to date again - I have posted these just as I took notes at the time.

You will never guess who I saw- Father Christmas - Ailsa took me to meet him down at the vet's clinic and I had my photo taken with him. She said I could tell him what I wanted for Christmas and if I was a good dog between now and then and did not put my ball in the pond I might get a nice surprise on Christmas Day.Anyway, I asked him for lots of rain so the sheep get better and we can go to sheepdog school more often, some more balls, some dried liver, and some choc drops, and that there be no Koolies dumped in the local pounds next year and that all the dogs there now find nice new homes like I did. I am keeping my paws crossed.

Yippee - Ailsa has a day off - for the last two days she has been going off in a police car to work. When I saw the car come yesterday morning I pushed past her to get out of the door - she was not expecting it - rushed out and rounded up the car - checked out the policeman inside to see if he was friendly - he did not come out for a good licking so I raced around the car again showing off a few good sheepdog moves then I leapt over the car, did a quick U turn and jumped on his bonnet and wagged my tail at him to show him I was friendly - Ailsa caught up with me at that point, dragged me off and took me back to the house. She said it was a very bad and very silly thing to do because policemen have guns and they can also lock bad people and bad dogs up in the watch house. I don't think I was in any danger though because he was laughing. I was watching out for him this morning but he did not come, instead we went to the dog club and played catch for over an hour, then we went shopping and now we have come home again. I thought she might like to play again in the garden before it gets too hot but she says she has work to do.

That policeman came again today but she made sure I did not get out to say hello to him - she is just no fun and does not now how to properly welcome guests.

We have just come back from a little drive in the car because Ailsa had forgotten to take her dinner out of the freezer so we drove down to the fish and chip caravan for fish and chips. I love fish and chips but she said I had already had a bowl of roast chicken so I did not need fish and chips as well - she was so wrong. Anyway I looked really sad and the nice lady in the caravan cooked an extra bit of fish and some chips for me and put it in a separate box and told her to make sure I got it. Now that is what I call service and I will recommend them to every dog I meet. If any of you come to Canberra let me know and I will tell you where they are.

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